Hi There,
Welcome to the Camp Phoenix CIT (Counselor in Training) group blog. We’re going to give you a day-by-day look inside the life of a Camp Phoenix camper from the Counselor in Training point of view!
Day 1
We started our camp trip with a lengthy bus ride that broke down halfway through. Despite the hiccup, it was all worth it for the beautiful campsite views.
Unfortunately, due to the heat waves we won’t be able to have campfires at the camp site this year. We will have to wait until Friday when we go camping at the beach. #Climatechange
For dinner, we ate some delicious chicken, rice, asparagus, and gravy. Then ended our first day of camp sitting together in a circle singing our favorite camp songs.
Day 2
Our first full day! We started it off with breakfast that consisted of eggs, sausage, biscuits, and fruit. Yummers! After breakfast, we went on a nice explorational hike to take a tour of the campgrounds and to see a beautiful meadow. On the way, we saw many rare plants.
For lunch, we ate chili dogs!
In the afternoon, we headed to the pool. Which was unanimously voted the most fun activity thus far!
This year, we’re staying in different cabins. Our old ones had a very big hill that we had drag our bags and belongings up which was a huge struggle. Our new ones have more flat land and are much more accessible. At the old camp, our cabins didn’t have bathrooms or showers in them. We’re so grateful that the new cabins have bathrooms and showers inside!
Apparently, there is a lizard in the Brown Bears cabin. They have named it Lizzo.
Following the fun time at the pool, we discussed the emotions we felt about camp so far. Everyone was able to share stories to let others be able to connect with them better and build stronger bonds. During this activity, we wrote, drew, and played games about how we were feeling.
Sadly, it was raining after this activity, which prevented us from doing archery.
Our great guide Spencer was able to fill the gap in our schedule by coming up with community building games. The hardest game that required the utmost teamwork was when the group had to make shapes out of a long rope that was held together by everybody’s legs. It was really fun.
For dinner, we had chicken alfredo pasta with green beans and garlic rolls.

After dinner, Spencer brought us to a camp trail to teach us about nocturnal, diurnal, and crepuscular animals.
Nocturnal animals are active at night, diurnal animals are active in the day, and crepuscular animals are active during dawn and dusk. The most fascinating fact that we learned was the adaptation of the deer species hearing. They had to adapt to get incredible hearing so that they could be alerted of predators in their vicinity. We cupped our hands over our ears to hear like a deer, which allowed us to hear from very far away!

Our final activity was stargazing inside a large planetarium tent. We were told native stories about the stars and how electricity can be conducted through numerous things.

Before bed, we let everyone use the last of their energy and brought out some basketballs to play with in the backyard of the cabin. When everyone started to wind down, we played some cards and took showers before going to bed. Lights out at 10:00pm, time to sleep and recharge for another amazing day.
Check out our next blog post for more adventures!